Forgot password

Scan the QR code to continue

Scan the QR code with the camera on your phone, which then opens the BankID app. Follow the steps in the app.

QR code linking to Password Reset in BankID App

Change your BankID password in the app

  1. Open the BankID app
  2. Go to settings (Gear in the upper right corner)
  3. Change BankID password Image of the BankID app. Settings are selected, and the button that says "Change BankID password" is shown second from the bottom of the screen.
  4. Follow the instructions in the app to change the password

Remember that you must have your valid Norwegian passport or national ID card available.

Download the BankID app

The BankID app must be activated with your date of birth number in order to change the password. If you have not activated the BankID app, you must do this before you can change the password.